Task 7: (P5/M5/D5)Telescopes

Make a powerpoint to explain the history and development of the telescope. Use the following website as a starting point, and the help grid below.

Telescopes from the ground up




Things to include


Galileo's Refractor

Image of telescope

Image and facts about Galileo

Simple explanation of his telescope including diagrams


Early Refractors

Facts and images about Johannes Hevelius

Facts and images about Christopher Huygens

Facts and images about Johannes Kepler


Great Refractors

Information on Harvard 15-inch Refractor

Information on Naval Observatory 26-inch Refractor

Information on Yerkes 40-inch Refractor


Newton’s Telescope

Image of telescope

Image and facts about Newton

Simple explanation of his telescope including diagrams

Things that Newton discovered


Early Reflectors

Facts and images about James Gregory and John Hadley

Facts and images about Sir William Herschel and his telescopes

Facts and images about William Parsons and his telescopes

Facts and images about the Melbourne Reflector


Huge Reflectors

Facts and images about George W. Ritchey and his telescopes

Facts and images about George Ellery Hale and his telescopes


Solar Telescopes

Information on how they work

Images of the sun taken using these telescopes

What have we learned about the sun


Radio Telescopes

Information on how they work

Images of the taken using these telescopes

What have we learned about the universe


Multi-mirror Telescopes

Facts and images about MMT

Facts and images about Keck


Space Telescopes

Facts and images about COBE

Facts and images about Hubble

Facts and images about Compton Observatory

Facts and images about Chandra Observatory

Facts and images about Spitzer Telescope

Facts and images about Webb Telescope


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